Yucca Wetting Agent
Pure for the professional

Product detail
There are moments where surface tension is so high that water doesn’t penetrate the soil easily. Such a ‘dry patch’ problem can have several different causes. It creates puddles and swampy spots where nutrients uptake becomes difficult for the grass. This problem could be solved mechanically, but you can’t just close a golfgreen any time. That’s why you can choose our effective and natural wetting agent.
Send us a message Back to overviewThe organic solution to breaking surface tension and getting rid of dry patch problems.
Yucca is an organic wetting agent that works quickly and effectively in case of field flooding due to high surface tension. Dry patch problems are quickly and effectively solved by natural means. It can also be used to prevent formation of dew or frost on the golfgreen. Perfect when you’ve got a big tournament coming. Pure’s Yucca Wetting Agent is a natural product.
Characteristics of Yucca Wetting Agent:
- Quickly and effectively breaks surface tension so water and nutrients can penetrate;
- Solves ‘dry patch’ problems quickly and effectively;
- Made of pure Yucca extract, so no chemicals;
- Can be used to keep a golfgreen free of dew and frost.

Product specifications of Yucca Wetting Agent
- 99,7% Yucca schidigera extract;
- Packaging: 10 L kan;
- Density: 1,03 g/ ml.